The Miracles (Don’t) End Here

Our journey through the miracles of Jesus is coming to an end.  The next three, especially, struck me as uber powerful because of what Jesus was going through at the time.  It was the last days of his time on earth.   At this point, Jesus clearly knows that He is going to be crucified soon.  Yet He is still touching people’s lives.  How do you do that?  

He encounters some blind beggars.  The crowd seems to be annoyed by them.  Maybe embarrassed by their brashness.  One of them, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, is known by Mark.  They are VERY loud as they are crying out to Jesus.  When I read the description of how loud they were, it reminded me of a time I was visiting a convalescent home and there was someone (with dementia) who was just screaming…with no care as to how their screaming was affecting anyone else.  Such an unnerving sound. 

 The crowd tried to quiet down the beggars.  Were they afraid the beggars would offend Jesus?  Did they think they weren’t worthy of Jesus’ attention?  

Jesus did take notice.  He was impressed with their faith.  As soon as Jesus called them, they threw aside their beggars garments. It seemed they were sure that once they would meet Jesus, they wouldn’t need to be a beggar anymore. 

 What is my ‘beggars garment’?  Self sufficiency?  Control?  Fear?  Anything that hinders me from getting to Jesus.  Am I ‘too polite’ and accepting of status quo?  What about: ‘you don’t have because you don’t ask’? (From James 4:2) or ‘you ask with wrong motives’? (James 4:3) 

It is clear that Bartimaeus asked with the right motive.  And how do we know that, you ask?

Well, as soon as Jesus healed him he became a follower of Jesus. 

This next miracle is a bit baffling to me.  Jesus made a fig tree wither up never to produce fruit again.  This happened on the heels of a flurry of activity. He had healed the blind, had been lauded by the people as their Savior, Coming King.  Then He ‘cleaned house’.  He was seriously offended by the temple merchants and their wicked business practices.  After He takes care of that business, He healed the lame and blind that came to Him while He was there.  Again he hears, “Hosanna to the Son of David”, in the temple area as the children are chanting.  The chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the incredible things He was doing…and didn’t like it. 

 Jesus, again, returns to Bethany, one of His most common stomping grounds.  Being famished, He was hoping the fig tree would provide the nourishment He needed.  It didn’t.  And that was the end of that tree.  Many of the commentaries I read suggested it represents the religious leaders of the day.  The people were parched, in need of nourishment, and the leaders had nothing to offer them.  One commentator said, ‘Let us greatly fear the doom denounced on the barren fig tree.”   Yes, indeed! 

Then Jesus ‘bailed’ Peter out of a tough situation…again.  Peter had a tendency to act before he thought.  He let his emotions override what God had called him to do.  Judas came to do what he was paid to do.  Hand Jesus over to the officials so they could arrest Him…in the dark of night.  Peter’s response seemed logical and honorable…protect his Master/Teacher.  But Jesus chided him for it…and didn’t allow it to distract from what He knew needed to be done.  Afterall, it is why he came to earth…right?!  

This must’ve been the most confusing time for Peter!  Why would they be arresting Him?  He was only ever helping people.  Those that couldn’t help themselves.  And His teaching was like honey.  He had such wisdom and knowledge.  He hung out with some of the lowliest of society.  He had an incredible relationship with God…whom He called His Father…and showed us that we could call God our ‘Father’.  

So why wouldn’t Peter defend Him?  He had just promised he would stand by His side…even to the point of death.  Of course he would defend Him.  He was a fisherman…not a soldier or swordsman.  So an ear would have to do.  With better aim, he probably would’ve taken the life of the official from the High Priest’s office.

But oddly enough, Jesus seemed fine with being arrested.  He had avoided this kind of altercation before.  Why not now?  And He even healed the man’s ear, the severed ear of an enemy?  That seems such a kind gesture for someone who is falsely accusing you.  Seriously?  I wonder if healing his ear, once again, took away any legitimate reason for arresting Him?  What do you think?

Matthew Henry had a great thought in response to Peter’s action. “Corrupt nature warps our conduct to extremes; we should seek for the Lord’s direction before we act in difficult cicumstances.  Christ was willing to wait for his triumphs till his warfare was accomplished.”  There are so many places in the Bible that affirm this thought…not to mention John 15:5  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  

At times I am tempted to chide different people on the path of God’s story.  But, it doesn’t take long for me to be humbled with my frailties and imperfections, my selfishness and stubbornness.  And that is where the last miracle we are going to talk about comes in.  

Peter, Peter, Peter!  His name comes up again and again as one who speaks or acts without thinking.  But yet Jesus sees something in Peter that causes Him to want Peter on His team.  Oh, this gives me hope.  Joy that I have hope and hope that God can use me as part of His story.  

Peter and Jesus meet again on the shores of the Sea of Galilee with a miraculous catch of fish.  How sweet this must’ve been for Peter.  Jesus, his Friend, his Teacher, his Redeemer.  Jesus, who called him on these very shores to follow him and become a fisher of men.  Jesus, the one who predicted that Peter would deny him, who cleaned up his ‘anger mess’ right before He was crucified.  Here Jesus was reminding Peter of the calling on his  life.  God’s plan for his life didn’t change just because he got stupid for a bit.  There was still much work God had for him to do.  And being perfect was not a requirement.  Being faithful was.

How gracious that Jesus was making them breakfast.  Breakfast?!  I don’t think He needed to eat anymore.  (Not sure about that little detail.)  But he knew those fishermen would be HUNGRY.  But even more gracious is his restoration of Peter.  That is the greatest miracle…IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)

He’s in the business of changing lives.  Giving hope. Redeeming brokenness.  Making wealthy the poor….in spirit.  Healing broken bodies and hearts and minds.  His miracles showed His authority.  His miracles showed His grace.    His miricales haven’t stopped.  He’s still in the business of healing broken bodies and hearts and minds.  He is still in the business of giving hope, redeeming brokenness, blessing the poor.  How He works in each of our lives is different.  But He works none the less.  I pray you see Him working in your life.  He promises this: “But even there you can look for the Lord your God, and you will find him if you look for him with your whole being.”  Deuteronomy 4:29(NCV)

This has been quite a journey.  I hope you sense how much God loves you and that He would send His only Son to this earth…to restore a right relationship with us.   And He didn’t hold it over our heads that He was God.  He came humbly…lived in very humble circumstances…hung out with some of the least lovable…and loved…to the death…and life…for us.  His story hasn’t ended…it has just begun…and He wants us to be a part of His…story.  Have you joined Him?  It is quite the right time.

Blessings, Girlfriend!

Oh Lord, today, a new day.  Thank you for this day!  Thank you for your life.  Thank you for our life…our abundant life.  Thank you for this incredible world.    Thank you for walking this journey with us!   Thank you for guiding us on this journey.  Thank you for letting us be part of your redemption plan….as recipients and as advocates.  Thank you for renewing a right spirit in us.   I want to see you at work today!  Show me your ways!!   They are right and true.  Thank you for using me to love like you do.  Help me do it well, please!  I pray the same for my friends.    Amen.

I’m not sure where we’ll go next.  I’ll let you know!  Thank you for joining me.  

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